Support The Rap Guide to Wilderness on IndieGogo I’ve been working full-tilt on my new record, The Rap Guide to Wilderness, which will premiere at the World Parks Congress in less than…
The WILD Foundation is commissioning a new hip-hop album entitled “The Rap Guide to Wilderness” which I’m in the process of producing now! The songs are about how we relate to wild…
The Rap Guide to Religion Premieres off-Broadway Announcing a new off-Broadway theatre production, written and performed by Baba Brinkman, directed by Darren Lee Cole, and produced by Soho Playhouse…
My Kickstarter campaign only has 58 hours left and it’s tantalizingly close! In the past week we’ve had more than 60 new backers and we’re now well over the 2/3 mark, 217 backers…
Here’s my recent Scotsman blog outlining the five rap songs that capture something distinctive about the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
In early May I gave a talk at TEDxNavesink in New Jersey, entitled “A Brief History of Rhyme,” detailing the emergence of polysyllabic rhyme patterns in both hip-hop and traditional…
Yesterday Jamie and I performed at the Octagon Theatre in Perth, the third stop on our nine-city Rap Guide to Evolution Down Under tour, including the Sydney Opera House June…
I get emails from creationists occasionally, mostly good-natured ones rather than hate mail, but always disputatious in nature (of course). Recently I engaged in a dialogue with a family friend…
A rap tribute to the countless biology teachers in the trenches of science literacy, teaching evolution to millions of students even in the face of religious objections. Nothing in biology…
We’re Making a Movie! You heard it here first: we’re making a feature documentary about the Rap Guide to Evolution. The film, provisionally titled “Darwin’s America,” will be produced by Creative Chaos Ventures, a New York company whose most…