

By October 9, 2018 No Comments

With my 40th birthday coming up later this month, it’s high time for a rap music video about the evolutionary biology of aging. Why do our bodies degenerate as we age, giving us a natural lifespan? Some mammals only live for a few years, others like the bowhead whale live for more than 200 years, so aging is obviously malleable. So what shapes it? Do we grow old and die so we can make way for the next generation? (Hint: not even close). Evolution gives us some surprising answers though, and I’ve tried to summarize them in my new rap video, Senescence. Please share the links with friends if you enjoy it!

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If you’re curious about what else I’ve been up to, check out my recent interview on the MC Lars Podcast, a long-form conversation on hip-hop, theatre, science, literature, and how I found my lane in the rap game as a young poetry nerd and tree planter in Canada beginning twenty years ago. I wrote my first rap song in 1998, released my first record in 2004, and have been mutating and evolving the craft ever since. Senescence may come for me eventually, but for now, I’m staying ahead of it.